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Mac Tír Haskap Ale is out!

Posted by Rebecca Kneen on

Breweries all over the province are participating in Haskap beer month, partnering with growers in their area to make this special seasonal brew. Together, breweries and farmers are building a lasting relationship. #haskapbeermonth is a celebration of simple pleasures; fresh berries early in the season; and inspirational beer full of flavour. This beer making partnership brings brewing back to its roots and strengthens small diversified BC farms for the long term.

Our contribution to Haskap Beer Month (July) is Mac Tír Haskap Ale, ready now and available in growlers at both the All Organic Farmers' Market and the Sorrento Village Farmers Market as well as, of course, at the brewery.

Mac Tír means "Son of the Earth" and also "Wolf" in Irish, which is a nice fit with our partner farm, Wolf Springs. Their haskap berries are bright, rich and tart, and so is the beer made from them. There's a pronounced berry flavour, and the beer has great colour with a pink head!

We are very excited about this beer, and about Haskap Beer Month in general. There are quite a number of breweries participating all over BC, along with a brewery in Hokkaido, where they've been growing Haskap for generations. Have a look at the BC Haskap Association web page for a complete list of participants and their beers.

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